We have cattle grazing in the same pastures as AJ’s great-grandfather. Sometimes while feeding, we look around and wonder what it looked like back then. Times sure are changing, but our family’s roots in agriculture aren’t. AJ was raised in the Northwest corner of Brunswick county, in a little city without a zip code called ‘Northwest’. AJ is a fifth-generation farmer with a passion for agriculture. After college, she met her husband Wade, who is also a fifth-generation farmer from a neighboring county. Together, they are raising cattle, crops, and kids in their favorite part of the world: Southeastern North Carolina.
Our family cattle history goes back to AJ’s great-grandfather who raised cattle along the Cape Fear River, selling whole carcasses to the local general store. Before anyone had a way to keep things cold at home, general stores had ice block rooms, and would store fresh meats for the community to buy.
Know Your Farmer
In today’s time, when everyone either loves or hates social media, we find ourselves grateful that it has given us a place to share our farm life. As young farmers and ranchers, it is our job to try and educate our peers on how we raise the crops to clothe and feed the world. We hope that by following along on our social media, you can feel like you’re part of our farm family. Join us in North Carolina where the weather is always changing, and follow along as we plant, grow, and harvest all our crops and cattle.
In 2021, AJ applied for and received a small grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission which is a program of the University of Mount Olive. We hit the ground running and never looked back.
The Pack House was AJ’s great grandfather’s “Pack House.” That meant where they packed the tobacco to go to market. They would bring the tobacco from the curing barns to the pack house to grade it and tie it before hauling it to the market. We saved every old board we could, adding more wood and use a old Pepsi cold box we found in the barn as our check out.
Half of this barn is where we pack boxes to ship and the grant helped pay for shipping scales and electrical and lighting. The other half we turned into our storefront — if you can call a old barn that kind of leans a store! The storefront is open on Fridays and Saturdays, however you can place a meat order online and pick up in our After Hours freezer outside the Pack House when it’s convenient for you.
This is our event space! Throughout the fall, the Feed Lot is the home to our pumpkin patch. During that time we have live music, food trucks, local vendors, kid activities, and more. Throughout the rest of the year, this is where we hold fun events for the whole family. Visit our social media channels to stay update on what events are happening next! It’s becoming harder and harder to find space where you can come relax and just enjoy being outside. We hope you find the Feed Lot to be the perfect spot for you. Hope to see you out here sometime!